We have our first Staycations success story!! Guy's I'm just SO SO excited and hope you don't mind me sharing.
A couple of years ago there was a little idea in the back of my mind to build something fun for singles to get offline and get connected, that wasn't *just* around modern dating gripes and chit-chatting with coaches.
People don't just meet in bars, pubs and clubs like they used to and he or she doesn't just come knocking like an Amazon Prime order 📦 and so a little pro-activity is certainly needed.
(FYI -- pro-activity doesn't just mean swiping in pj's with a glass or two🍷 and not actually getting out there on dates)
And so, Staycays for singles to get offline and get connected is a venture set up in early Summer 2019 in the UK. Essentially built for singles who are serious in their search to meet someone, but sick of all the swiping and just want to meet IRL, whilst having fun.
Doesn't seem like too much to ask, does it?!
With the rise in online dating burnout and the financial input needed for the legwork of professional matchmaking there had to be something in the middle to help singles meet like-minded professionals offline.
This year I met my co-founder Charlie Spokes...we got on like a house on fire (to say the least) and Staycations was born - with the idea that 'not all the good ones are taken' and so we should find a way to get them together (over wine, food, fun activities and experiences) with down-to-earth experts on hand only if they wanted to chat.
In short, we ate a lot, did a bit of archery, yoga-ing, lots of chatting & had such a fun day hanging out holding American Eagles, simply watching the connections unfold.
It worked and we have a successful match from our launch event and WE ARE THRILLED, obvz. 💕
Roll on the next one! Yippee!!!
Thanks for letting us share our success
