Couples Work
If you’re a couple looking for support in your relationship, I can help you. I work online and in person helping couples reconnect, communicate and reignite the spark they feel has been lost.
​Perhaps you are in a relationship that feels disconnected, unhappy and unfulfilled for one or both of you. Maybe you’re in a place where you are wondering how to communicate and reconnect after so much disconnection or distress has been experienced within the relationship. I am trained to hold couples in a safe dialogue through guidance, coaching and facilitation of connection and conscious communication.
I work with couples who are feeling the pain of disconnection, experiencing conflict and with those who are going through common relationship problems such as infidelity, anger, resent and lack of intimacy. Many are able to turn their relationship experience around when they commit to doing the work together. I work with Imago, a structure for relationship support for couples, whereby I am an Couples Coach, Educator and Mentor helping couples reconnect. I hold couples and their relationship in a safe dialgoue to come back to one another and take care of their romantic relationship.
If you're here on this page you may have gotten to a point where you can no longer ignore the signs of disconnection with your partner or perhaps you’ve only just started to spot cracks in communication and want to get your relationship back on track and rebuild what you previously had. Using my sessions as a way to maintain a happy and healthy relationship is not uncommon and can support couples who want to co-create a deeply fulfilling relationship. You can get the love you deserve by getting clear on how you relate to one another in a relentlessly positive and safe way.
Couples who are committed to rebuilding romantic connection and a relationship that works for both of them are the kind of couples I work with. If you're both ready to do the work and hold space for one another to be seen, heard and understood then my sessions are for you, I will facilitate Imago Relationship Coaching for you.
Maybe you're here because you feel your relationship is in crisis and you're at breaking point with one another. If so, this is not unusual. Many couples seeks support as a last resort but I aim to hold you both in a safe, warm and connected space so you can understand each other better, going through a carefully guided journey to reconnection. It is possible and working with couples ready to go on that journey together brings me joy. If there has been a break in trust and connection and you’d both like to find a way back to one another going from a place of feeling stuck and trying to survive to recovery and relationship revival, please do be in touch.
Whatever is going on in your relationship just know that there are tools within the Imago Couples Work model that I provide to help couples find their way back to one another, starting with dialogue and often ending in a result of deeper connection and meaningful communication by the time your couples therapy journey draws to a close.
A little about me...
I've been helping singles find and build loving relationships worldwide as a professional matchmaker since 2011. My background is in Psychology, Marketing & Matchmaking. A few years into my work and many successful relationships and marriages created later, I decided to get under the hood and look at how romantic relationships work and learn how we connect, overcome conflict, and create conscious relationships. I'm in Level 5 training to be a Psychotherapist & am an Imago Relationship Educator & Coach in training. The work I do in dating and relating is a passion for me, not just a profession with relationship work for couples and research for relationship betterment at the core. I am currently in training with Imago, completing in June 2023 and on my way to certification. I currently work with couples as a couples relationship coach, guiding them to have a better relationship that works for them both. I blend my personal development, professional knowledge, current levels of counselling skills with Imago Relationship coaching for couples.
What is Imago?
Both parties in the couple have to be willing to do the work and want to find reconnection in this relationship. It was created by Harville Hendrix and Helen LaKelly-Hunt in the 80's and made famous by Oprah Winfrey who used it in her relationship to reconnect with her partner.
How do Imago Couples Sessions Work?
The core focus is to enable relationship reconnection is to create safety for each other. When we feel safe we become available to actively listen and really hear each other, this helps to figure out what is really going on with each other and within your relationship.
When there isn’t any safety present there won’t be a way for you both to be available to listen to one another to find the understanding that you both want and need to be able to become unstuck from where you are at now.
In Imago Relationship practitioners who provide this kind of couples therapeutic work are able to facilitate sessions giving you both the tools to safely be available, speak, hear and understand each other. It is not your usual type of judge and jury counselling setting, it’s a relentlessly positive environment that is created that has seen many couples create the shifts they so need to come back to one another.
When we humans feel safe we don’t operate from a place that is defensive in coping mechanisms. Our language becomes more open and we’re able to actively hear. When we feel safe we feel the opposite from being attacked, guarded and closed and this is how many couples feel when they unfortunately find themselves in a place of disconnection and discontent in their relationships.
Imago will give you both the space and time to talk about your stuff and feel heard by each other and to do this it provides the tools for you both to be less guarded with one another.
Right now, if you’re seeking couples relationship support the chances are pretty high that you’re feeling hurt, stuck, unhappy and disconnected in your relationship and with Imago we want to create the calmest, safest environment possible for you both to really be with one another.
For some couples it takes just a few sessions, for others it takes longer but what you both will see is that by working with me we go through a process of you both learning how to appreciate one another, understand one another and step into each others shoes. This shift will create space for love and connection to re-enter.
My values are to help couples reimagine, reignite and reconnect in their relationship. My work is really important to me, its a vocation and not just a profession and so I do hope you feel that you will be in the safest hands possible as we begin the journey for you both.
You might be wondering more about the work I do and how Couples Relationship support with me in Rutland, London or online will be facilitated.
The Key Features of Imago
Imago is all about bringing positivity and safety back to your relationship and from there you are able to reconnect and form connection. The way I see it, is that two individuals in the room that are in a couple work on reforming a friendship to build the romantic connection from the ground back up.
The work of Imago is to ensure you are the safest person and partner possible in the room during your couples therapy sessions and this work is built from positivity and appreciations where you will both learn how to give and receive love between one another.
In each session couples ground into the work with each other and once we flow through the appreciations the couple will be given the structure to enter into the dialogue process. This process is specific and carefully structured in a way that you and your partner are going to be able to dialogue about the things that are holding you both back from connection. When in the dialogue process couples are able to share their experience of what is going on for them in an uninterrupted manner so each partner in the couple has a chance to talk and share their thoughts and feelings.
What is my role in the Couples Coaching Process?
I am trained to hold couples in a safe dialogue through guidance, coaching and facilitation of connection. I will be spending very little time talking but will be offering guidance, helping you both manage what is going on in the room and ensuring safety for you both on an emotional level is facilitated. As you go through your sessions I will from time to time, if and where relevant and if you both find it useful, share insights and education about the theory if interpersonal connection. This sharing of relationship knowledge might help you from time to time look at the romantic connection more abstractly and enable you to see what is going on for one another. I aim to only share to educate and help you both out of a place of stuckness.
What is your role in the Couples Work Process?
Your role, if you wish to work through what is coming up for you both in your relationship is to commit to the process. After an initial session where you will assess if how I work if for you, I will also let you know if I am able to work with you both.
If you’re looking to do the work with each other and reconnect and you’re willing to stick with and trust the process then it’s likely I will be the person for you to work with as you opt in for couples work sessions with me. I only work with couples who express they are looking to co-create a deeply fulfilling relationship and want to make changes for the long-term within their relationship and how they relate to one another. However, if you’re looking for a quick fix or just as space to let your partner hear your thoughts without really doing the work responsibly then I am not going to be the person for you to work with.
How Do I Work With Couples?
My initial session with you and your partner will be an assessment session of whether we want to work with each other.
If we decide to go ahead then I will work with you in 90 minute sessions. I ask you to attend the sessions every two weeks and for you to book the six sessions in advance so you are guaranteed a slot. Each session will be charged ahead of time at £120. There is a reduction for services couples. I do offer sessions for couples in the services & forces at a rate of £60 per hour as an exception, please contact me for the diary link.
Each session is payable in advance as you are securing the time. I ask you to give me 72 hours notice if you need to cancel. If it is less than 72 hours you will be charged my full fee with no exceptions. I will offer you a fixed appointment time which will be the same time and day every two weeks.
I am able to offer couples a couples in crisis session for 90 minutes in an emergency situation. The charge for this is £230 and will need you both to be in contact to request any last-minute availability.
Couples can be based anywhere in the UK as I also offer online sessions to support couples in relationship reconnection, my fees are the same as above. As mentioned, you are paying for the time slot.
It doesn’t matter how you identify to me as what matters most is that you both wish to be in a deeply committed and connected relationship and want to work through all the things that may be holding you both back from making that connection happen. You can be the same sex, no identifying or different sexes in a heterosexual relationship.
About my personal approach
I am passionate about the work I do and really want to see couples not only reconnect but put the joy and fun back into their relationship. I am warm, friendly and also direct. I integrate psycho-education so you can learn about how you relate and why with each other as you can so you can make long-lasting improvements to how you show up for one another. I care about my clients and the work I do. I don’t work with everyone, only couples who I can see are really ready to do the work with each other. From time to time I operate a waiting list and if I do have spaces free to work with you, I will invite you to do so and we can go from there. I see this work as important and its a collaborative effort between myself and the couples putting in the work.
Want to enquire about working together?
If you are interested in booking a couples work session with me please complete the form at the bottom of this page.
I will offer you a place if I have one free. If I do not have any places free, you're welcome to go on my waiting list and I'll let you know when I have availability