Virtual relationships and building pseudo relationships online have been a huge concern to me for some time now. I was glad to work with Metro Newspaper and a cohort of journalists who were tasked with answering questions about the future of a lot of things, mainly romance, dating, sex and human communication (or lack thereof).
This particular article posed the question - 'Can you fall in love with a robot?' and I tried my very best to answer about the way the world of singles are moving online and where we may be in 2050 at the rate in which we are 'connecting' in the digital sphere.
One thing I was very clear on was how I have day-in, day-out 'first hand experience of speaking to singles who have suffered rejection online and inevitably feel lonely because nothing can ever replace human touch, connection or the feel-good factor that comes from communicating with someone who has the same wants, needs and interests as you in a partnership'