Have you ever been ghosted? Have you ghosted someone or thinking about doing so? If yes to any - this video is for you. Relationship Expert Sarah Louise Ryan & Couples Therapist Rena Cokayne discuss ghosting from a professional perspective and their personal experiences - ghosting on both sides.
Why do people 'Ghost'? What do they go through before they ghost? And, how does it feel to be ghosted? We discuss..
The process and heartbreak one must go through before they disappear
The action itself and is there a good way to ghost someone?
The inability to deal with someone else's feelings as they struggle to digest their own
The feelings of being ghosted - like a death but more painful as you know the person is still on this earth but has not only rejected your relationship but you as a person
Teaching yourself to fall out of love
Loss of control and how to create routine again
Understanding that no two relationships are the same and not everyone will ghost you. Don’t get too good at goodbyes!
Forgive yourself for what didn’t walk out because the right person is out there for you somewhere.
Listen in here as dating and relationship expert Sarah & Rena get to grips with everything ghosting, heartbreak and breakup related.
Big Love xx